GSE supports Tajamar school for print technology

GSE supports Tajamar school for print technology

GSE supports Tajamar, Spain’s premier vocational school for print technology. Tajamar in Madrid takes on 90 graphics students per year. To meet the growing demands of the print industry, the school is focusing more on teaching flexography. For this reason, GSE is sponsoring Tajamar by installing its Perfect Proofer, a table-top flexo press and GSE Ink management software.

In this video, Maarten Hummelen, Marketing Director at GSE, talks with Javier Rodríguez-Borlado, Tajamar Head of Studies, about the importance of offering students hands-on flexo experience.

Tajamar encourages printing companies to pay a visit to the school. If you would like to have a live demonstration of the Perfect Proofer and our software, please do not hesitate to contact us!